Laikmetīgās dejas izrāde /Viņš Viņu - Viņa Viņu/

Contemporary dance performance “HeHerSheHim”

Femininity and masculinity don’t have one set formula. Every person portrays it differently. Femininity is when a woman is comfortable in her own skin. It can be gentle, it can be strong, but only when it is true to the woman’s nature. Masculinity is not something given to you, but something you gain. And you gain it by winning small and large battles with honour.
The contemporary dance performance “HeHerSheHim” visualises the tendencies of todays society through the synthesis of dance and music. Tendencies, which are not always portrayed through stereotypes, but stereotypes are what everything is based on.

Creative team:
Mentor – choreographer Jorge Crecis (United Kingdom/ Spain)

Kerīna Lapšina
Ralfs Eilands
Ģirts Bisenieks
Marija Broča
Pēteris Narubins

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